Early March I was honored to be able to attend the 50th birthday of my oldest brother John. It was a sad occasion as it marked the end of his youth as he has now officially reached the top of the infamous hill. As I pondered the significance of this event I observed my oldest brother and found him to be acting in a manner that denied the truth of which I speak. His facial expressions belied the age he must surely be feeling. The light in his eyes was a sure indication that denial was firmly planted in his mind and that the significance of this event seemed not to be viewed as one of mourning and sadness. His squared shoulders and the confidence of his stride were indicitive of someone much younger than he. I marvelled as he interacted with his peers - he appeared to be engaged in meaningful conversations with those much younger than he, those who gazed up at him for the wisdom they so desperately sought. I had to wonder to myself. What was this all about? I noticed particularly, four young ladies that were very adoring of this gentleman (see picture above). They seemd to gather about him at every opportunity and hang on to his very word. Maybe this wasn't such a sad occasion after all. Maybe 50 years marked the beginning of a new life event, one filled with the wisdom of the past and the excitement of the future, one of seeing the enjoyment of your children as they grow and learn and love. Maybe that's why John's demeanor was one of wisdom and respect and zest of life and not of a poor soul who's journey through life is beginning a downhill slide. Maybe 50 is an achievement milestone, a marker to be proud of. When I look at John and all he has accomplished and the love that surrounds him I know that it must be true. . . Suddenly I can't wait to turn 50!