Saturday, April 14, 2007

I've been tagged . . .

Here goes . . .

Three Things I'm Afraid Of:

1. Something happening to my boys
2. Spiders
3. Snakes

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:

1. Pauline
2. Jonathan
3. Jack ( a guy I work with that is absolutely hilarious!)

Three Things I Love:

1. Hiking to the top of a mountain
2. Warm windy days
3. The Beauty of Fall

Three Things I Hate:

1. Injustice
2. Arrogance
3. Rain in excess

Three Things I Don’t Understand:

1. Why the years get shorter and shorter as you get older
2. Prejudism
3. Why people drink black coffee when it is so much more enjoyable with cream and sugar . . .

Three Things On My Desk:

1. A little blue coil notebook that says "David." "Do Not Toch or take pen" and "Do not open" Hmmm, tempting . . .
2. Bottle of water
3. Wallet

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:

1. Procrastinating - I should be studying for my final exam
2. Visiting via blogs with my relatives
3. Listening to the Hope Floats soundtrack

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

1. Volunteer at an orphanage in Zimbabwe or Zambia
2. Have grandchildren - lots of them
3. Take a guided mountain hiking tour in the Swiss Alps

Three Things I Can Do:

1. Run a half-marathon and survive
2. Conquer my fear of heights
3. Learn

Three Things I Can’t Do:

1. Conquer my fear of snakes and spiders
2. Read maps/charts
3. Drink black coffee

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:

1. Beautiful music
2. What your kids have to say
3. Your head and your heart together - If you just listen to your heart you may make unwise choices based only on feelings and if you just listen to your head you may make heartless choices. They make a good combo.

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:

1. Rude people
2. The voice of temptation (unless it's telling you to eat chocolate - then by all means go ahead)
3. Gossip

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:

1. How to draw/paint
2. To public speak
3. Wisdom

Three Favorite Foods:

1. Croquettes
2. Gourmet salads
3. Chocolate

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:

Little House on the Prairie
Popcorn Playhouse

Three Things I Regret:

1. Not having more kids
2. Not going to University after I graduated
3. Not travelling when I was younger

So now its my turn to do some tagging. I tag:

Julie - you can make a guest appearance on someone's blog to answer the questions. My blog welcomes you with open arms . . .