Saturday, April 14, 2007

I've been tagged . . .

Here goes . . .

Three Things I'm Afraid Of:

1. Something happening to my boys
2. Spiders
3. Snakes

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:

1. Pauline
2. Jonathan
3. Jack ( a guy I work with that is absolutely hilarious!)

Three Things I Love:

1. Hiking to the top of a mountain
2. Warm windy days
3. The Beauty of Fall

Three Things I Hate:

1. Injustice
2. Arrogance
3. Rain in excess

Three Things I Don’t Understand:

1. Why the years get shorter and shorter as you get older
2. Prejudism
3. Why people drink black coffee when it is so much more enjoyable with cream and sugar . . .

Three Things On My Desk:

1. A little blue coil notebook that says "David." "Do Not Toch or take pen" and "Do not open" Hmmm, tempting . . .
2. Bottle of water
3. Wallet

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:

1. Procrastinating - I should be studying for my final exam
2. Visiting via blogs with my relatives
3. Listening to the Hope Floats soundtrack

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

1. Volunteer at an orphanage in Zimbabwe or Zambia
2. Have grandchildren - lots of them
3. Take a guided mountain hiking tour in the Swiss Alps

Three Things I Can Do:

1. Run a half-marathon and survive
2. Conquer my fear of heights
3. Learn

Three Things I Can’t Do:

1. Conquer my fear of snakes and spiders
2. Read maps/charts
3. Drink black coffee

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:

1. Beautiful music
2. What your kids have to say
3. Your head and your heart together - If you just listen to your heart you may make unwise choices based only on feelings and if you just listen to your head you may make heartless choices. They make a good combo.

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:

1. Rude people
2. The voice of temptation (unless it's telling you to eat chocolate - then by all means go ahead)
3. Gossip

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:

1. How to draw/paint
2. To public speak
3. Wisdom

Three Favorite Foods:

1. Croquettes
2. Gourmet salads
3. Chocolate

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:

Little House on the Prairie
Popcorn Playhouse

Three Things I Regret:

1. Not having more kids
2. Not going to University after I graduated
3. Not travelling when I was younger

So now its my turn to do some tagging. I tag:

Julie - you can make a guest appearance on someone's blog to answer the questions. My blog welcomes you with open arms . . .


Anonymous said...

I agree about the temptation thing with the chocolate exception - nice call! Anyways, good to see you are up and blogging again... I guess the peer pressure of being tagged did it!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm what you call a blogger lurker or something like that and I don't usually comment. I thought it was so neat that you used to watch Popcorn Playhouse!!! I always watched it after school I was even on it a couple of times...

HCOS support teacher said...

I listened to #2 on 3 things you should never listen to and enjoyed my dark chocolate and fruit bar. mmmmmm.. And thanks to you, I don't feel the least bit guilty!

Deanne said...

Bonnie - I used to dream about being on popcorn playhouse! Lucky you that you got to be on it and even more than once! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Hold on a second. Now which Julie is this? Moi?!

(I guess you can't really say no now.)

Deanne said...

Actually, my dear, it was indeed your sweet self! Are you up for it?

Anonymous said...

new post please!

Anonymous said...

Quit Facebooking and start blogging!