Sunday, October 29, 2006

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

I've always wanted learn how to draw, paint, and basically bring out my creative side. I recently started taking a drawing course that is taught based on the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Is is very interesing and I'm learning a lot. It's not an easy course as making the switch from your left literary side to your right visual side isn't always an easy transition (at least that's my experience). You can almost feel it when you've switched - very interesting the way it works. Anyways, at the beginning you have to draw a self-portrait and then at the end of the five week course you draw another self portrait and compare. It should be interesting. This week is week four. I'll post both pictures at the end . . . if I dare!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Whistler Getaway!

Matthew and I just returned from a two night getaway in beautiful Whistler, BC the future home of the 2010 Olympics! We stayed at the Cascade Lodge right in the village. It was an amazing time - the weather was perfect, the trees were brilliant with color - I couldn't help staring at the spectacular scenery wherever we went! It was supposed to rain the whole time so it was a total serendipity (unexpected pleasure) - I love that word!
We decided to be spontaneous and booked ourselvs with Ziptrek for the ride of our lives! The guided tour included five incredible zipline rides that gain progressively in height and length with the longest spanning over 1100ft (and apparently we went as fast as 80-90km/hour on that one!). We experienced the exhilaration of flying as we glided along steel ziplines suspended high above the breathtaking white-water river that divides Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains. It was a rush and we totally recommend it if you are ever in the area.

This is a picture of Matthew soaring through the sky as graceful as an eagle! Doesn't that look exciting!!
Here are some beautiful pictures of the area. I wish I was a better photographer because these pictures just don't capture the beauty up there. All around it was a great couple of days - I think we'll have to go back again . . . soon!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What a Rush!

Well, it's done and what a rush it was! Alanna didn't let me down and pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of and I beat my last year's time by over a minute speedwalking the entire 21.1 km - no cheating! There were again walkers who ran portions but I decided not to let it bother me as I was there once too. The written rules don't mention anything about occasional running so they were probably unaware of that particular rule. I decided my goal was to beat last years time without running and that's the goal I focused on. Alanna was a true blue friend and stuck with me the whole way - personally I think she could have won in our age category but she insisted on sticking with me. If you read this Alanna - THANKS from the bottom of my heart - you're a great coach and a wonderful friend!

My next goal is to go in the 10km run that's happeninging in Stanley Park (Vancouver) in a couple of weeks. I will run as much as I can but will also walk - it will be the first step towards possibly running a whole marathon one day. . .

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Okanagan International Marathon

Last year I participated in the 1/2 Marathon walk portion of the Okanagan International Marathon in Kelowna, BC. I went with my sister in law Danielle and we had such a blast! I could hardly walk for a couple days after that but boy was it worth it - it was definately a rush. So, this year I talked a friend of mine, Alanna into joining me. If the truth be told she could probably run the full marathon and do really well but because she loves me so much (smile) she's willing to come down to my level and speed walk the 1/2 marathon! What are friends for eh? Anyways, my goal is to meet or beat my last year's time. There's a bit of a story behind that. Last year there were quite a few walkers who from time to time jogged a portion of the route. I wasn't sure it was legal or not but the competitiveness in me just couldn't idley stand by and see them get ahead so I decided to jog portions myself. Well, I did really well and actually could have received an award for my category but we didn't stay for the ceremonies. In my mind I really wanted to know if the occasional jogging was legal or illegal in the race. It didn't specifically state "no running" in the rules but I felt deep down that perhaps a walk marathon meant you actually had to walk. So, this year I emailed the organizer and asked point blank it the occasional jogging was permitted. He responded with a very firm negative on that and said if any of the officiators saw "walkers" running they could be disqualified. So, there you have it. In my mind I have denied my placement from last year (I think it was 2nd in my category of 40 - 50 year olds) and this year I intend to redeem myself by getting a time equal or better to that of last year. It won't be easy as I probably ran close to 1/2 hour of the 2 hours and 48 minutes it took to complete the 21.1 kms but my only hope is Alanna, who so far has pushed me to the extreme in our training. You know, she could probably run an exercise boot camp!

Anyways, I'll let you know how it went. The race is on Sunday morning at 7am and I'm sooo looking forward to it!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Soccer season is back!

Well, it's that time of year again where dedicated parents sit week after week and watch their young sons or daughters play soccer - proudly cheering them on to victory or helping to nurse their wounds of defeat. David loves soccer and he has lots of potential. If we could get him to be a bit more aggressive on the field he'd benefit greatly but anyone who knows David knows that he's just a gentle giant.He's afraid he might accidently hurt someone so he holds back. He has dreams to play on the TWU soccer team one day (I have dreams too!). He has a great coach who David's been fortunate enough to have for the second year in a row. I'm looking forward to the season except for the fact that the chilly rainy season is creeping up. I'm not sure why soccer got stuck with the Fall/Winter season but it can
get mighty chilly out there. I guess the boys are running around so they're not cold but the spectators . . . that's another story. I guess we'll just have to get prepared with our furry boots, rainproof jackets with cozy sweathers underneath, fingers wrapped in warm gloves holding a steaming up of Tim Horton's coffee. Hmmm, doesn't sound too bad after all does it?

By the way, so far they're 3 for 3!