Well, it's that time of year again where dedicated parents sit week after week and watch their young sons or daughters play soccer - proudly cheering them on to victory or helping to nurse their wounds of defeat. David loves soccer and he has lots of potential. If we could get him to be a bit more aggressive on the field he'd benefit greatly but anyone who knows David knows that he's just a gentle giant.

He's afraid he might accidently hurt someone so he holds back. He has dreams to play on the TWU soccer team one day (I have dreams too!). He has a great coach who David's been fortunate enough to have for the second year in a row. I'm looking forward to the season except for the fact that the chilly rainy season is creeping up. I'm not sure why soccer got stuck with the Fall/Winter season but it can

get mighty chilly out there. I guess the boys are running around so they're not cold but the spectators . . . that's another story. I guess we'll just have to get prepared with our furry boots, rainproof jackets with cozy sweathers underneath, fingers wrapped in warm gloves holding a steaming up of Tim Horton's coffee. Hmmm, doesn't sound too bad after all does it?
By the way, so far they're 3 for 3!
It looks so nice and green there. Everything here is yellow and brown. It must be nice to be able to still play outdoor soccer in OCTOBER!!
Yes, that's true. It is still very green here. They will be playing outdoor soccer all the way through to March! Yes, that means right through the winter months. Occasionally when there is snow or when the rain makes too many puddles on the fields they have to cancel a game but for the most part the game's on! The hard part is that I can never get warm no matter how many layers I put on. Maybe I should just do jumping jacks the whole time I'm there - they'll just think I'm a one woman cheer-leading squad!
And you mean to say David's NOT the tallest on the team? I see some other boy who has him beat. Must be a great team! Watching kids play sports is so fun!
That sounds fun, I can't wait to put my boys in soccer and sit back with a Tim Horton's coffee.
How do I find out about local groups for Timbit soccer in Kingston, ON??
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