I had the pleasure of having my dear mom over for Mother's Day this year. She first made a stopover in Kamloops with Aneta - solved her odor problem . . . well, her car's odor problem - not's hers, and then they headed down to my place. As you all well know, my dear mom is so predictable and loves to help where she can. They arrived at dinner time and BEFORE we even sat down to eat she was cleaning the top of my stove. Now the rings around the elements are always stained and I could never get them very clean but my dear mother decided to give them a go and before I knew it the rings were sparkling, the holder thingy under the elements were sparkling and my oven looked brand new once again. How does she do it? She is blessed with the gift of tackling impossible jobs and succeeding as Aneta also experienced. Mom is always a blessing and an inspiration. She doesn't clean out of duty - she cleans out of love. . . .works for me!
It really has been great visiting with them. Today we went to church and then headed down to White Rock to walk the beach and had a gourmet icecream cone. Sound good? We would have loved for you to join us!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers that read this!
Oh Oma, I was wondering why you weren't at church this week. We missed you.
My stovetop was next on the list, but she didn't stay long enough to tackle that. No wonder Mom is always exhausted when she gets home from holidays! :) I would've loved to walk the beach with y'all!
Sounds like a pretty nice Mother's Day! Glad to see you blogging again D!
Hey, were you the anonymous in the last post my dear? I clicked on "anonymous" and it took me to your blog. Might suspicious I must say . . . come on fess up!
I was referring to Sharla in the last comment . . .
Since you have the better crab picture on your camera, perhaps you could do a post about our beach excursion.
Now I KNOW you have gone to the dark side (Facebook). You never post anymore!! Waaaaaaa!
Are you ever going to post again?
facebook has sucked up another one
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