Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Another "Jon" Story

Before Morphine

After Morphine
My poor son Jon. He has no fear and decided that he could leap over a five foot fence without a problem. And, amidst the cheering crowds he attempted this most amazing challenge. As he neared the fence he could hear the fans chanting "Jon Jon Jon" and realized he had a reputation to protect and determined that he would be successful at all costs. He leapt high into the air soaring like a eagle. The crowd grew louder and cheers began to erupt when all of a sudden the fence began to creak and groan. It began to grow higher and higher. Jon realized too late that his chances of success were suddenly reduced to impossible but being the determined athlete that he is and determined not to let his fans down, he continued his attempt only to find himself on the other side severely wounded.

Well, my dear son broke 3 bones in his foot and had to be taken to emergency for surgery where he had 2 plates and screws inserted into his ankle. He was in the hospital for three nights. Needless to say he is not a happy camper. His fans realized that the supernatural growing of the fence was completely out of his control and have since been showing their support through gifts and delicacies.

. . . just another day in the life of my son Jon.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! What do you say to something like that?! Hope he gets well soon and that he next time chooses to ignore the chanting of his crazed fans!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Poor Jon!!

I like those pictures...before and after morphine. And 3 day in the hospital!! How long is he out of comission?

kt said...

Wow!! Although, I don't know anyone who would be surprised by this news. I hope that he heals up quickly...

PJ said...

Aw that sucks! Those darn fences...they always seem to randomly grow a few feet when its the least convenient.
Hope Jon is back on his feet as soon as possible!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jon! Somehow I think he'll get over this quicker than most. Hopefully no more jumping for a while! At least until the foot heals!

Deanne said...

In answer to your question Amy - they said 6 weeks on crutches with no pressures and then another six weeks before he can fully walk on it. I hope he'll mend more quickly than that! It'll be difficult going back to Unversity next week -should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That sounds like something Jon would do...CRAZY AND PAINFULLL but you cant help but laugh a little.
I am going to call you on saturday becuase Jon said its been to long and since hes out of commission i thought it would be a good time to come visit!!

ahhhh OWWY!!

Deanne said...

That would be great Sara - We'd all love to see you and hear about your Bible School experiences!

Anonymous said...

Oh my poor fearless nephew. I hope you get well soon. We need more warriors like you. No glory.
Unc J

Anonymous said...

Good story writing Sis.

Anonymous said...

So, tell us all about your new job!!! It's time for a new post!!!!