Well, I went to Prince George to visit my dear friend Susan and to celebrate her 44th birthday. We had a great time and got lots of visiting in. Now, Susan has always been gullible but the following incident really confirmed to me just how gullible she is! Picture the following:

We're all sitting at her kitchen table. It has a beautiful pointsetta table cloth over it and we're all enjoying birthday cake. I have my trusty camera by my side and spontaneously take a picture of the tablecloth. I look at the result and think to myself, hey, that almost looks real. Impulsively I say to my dear friend "Hey Susan, want to see a picture of my latest gardening

experiment?" She says sure and I walk around the table with my camera and show her the picture. She looks at it in amazement and says "Wow, that's really beautiful". Then she looks at me skeptically and says "is that really your garden or is it a picture from the Butchart Gardens?" (a beautiful garden you can tour in Victoria). I say with all the sincerity I can muster that it is indeed my garden and add that I too am very surprised at my success with this venture as I usually can't keep anything alive. She again exclaims at the beauty of my "garden". I then say to her "You know, Susan, it's not really that difficult - would you like me to let you in on the secret to my success?" She nods and gets this concentrated look on her face as she anticipates my words of wisdom . . . I tell her to look at the screen on my camera and then I point it towards the table cloth and click the picture. A confused look comes over her face ( a look only Susan can give) and suddenly the light comes on and she looks up at me and says "I thought that the flowers looked familiar!" and starts to laugh . . . and laugh . . . it was priceless and we both laughed until our stomachs ached! It was soooooo funny and a memory I won't soon forget. I hope she never changes!
On a sidenote - She said she remembers being teased in a similar fashion years ago when we were growing up . . . especially by Aneta! Yes, my ds Aneta! So Aneta, what have you to say for yourself?
That is SOOOO funny! You are such a little trickster, Auntie Deanne! That totally sounds like something you would do...I can just hear your tone of voice as your explained how had a little gardening experiment. What fun it is to have a gullible friend (mine is Dave.)
I am innocent, I tell you! Susan was the sweetest girl I ever met, I'd never tease her! But she was always gullible, I do remember that well.
I don't know sister. I was surprised when she said it but she insists you were the worst for "taking her for a ride"! Maybe she'll post a comment and you two can duke it out!
Well, I did have an active imagination...
that is TOO funny!!! Oh man, gullible people are my favorite!
At first glance I thought those were real too, ha.
That is hilarious! You are obvious a Kostelyk.. one who likes to bug. It looks like Auntie 'Neta is too...
Everytime I think of how my dear friend Deanne tricked me I have a laugh!
Aneta I seem to remember that you told me your neighbours in Surrey were royalty, rich and famous, and you were going to live with them... I believed you....
Yes, I am gullible, but hey it does make life fun when you are around me! Deanne please come visit me any time ! I miss you tons!
Deanne, How did the first day at your new job go? Tell us all about it when you get the chance.
time for a new post!!!!
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