Life is not a single race - but rather a series of races. When you fall down you simply get up and start again.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A Room with a View

Sometimes I just feel so blessed to be working at TWU - it's in such a beautiful area. If I'm stressed I just look out one (or both) of the big windows on our floor and this is what I see. These two pictures were taken the other day at about 9am when the fog was just lifting. In the winter when there's snow on the gound (doesn't happen too often) it's looks even more beautiful. I'll make sure to take a picture of the frost on the trees when winter arrives to show you! And, I work with such a great group of people - it kind of eases the pain of having to get up and go to work each morning . . . which reminds me . . . I better get going!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Introducing . . .my new home business!

I recently started a home business introducing people to a line of nutritional supplements. The company is USANA and it's a multi-level marketing company that specializes in providing top quality pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements. At first I wasn't the least bit interested as I'm NOT a salesperson and getting involved in MLM was the last thing on my list of things to do before I die. THEN, my friend and co-worker encouraged me to try them for one month and see how I felt. She knew what health issues I was dealing with (Restless Leg Syndrome and IBS) and was confident the vitamins would help. So, I finished up the vitamins I was already taking and gave it a shot. Well, I was absolutely amazed (and still am) at the results I experienced even the next morning. My IBS symptoms are gone! This is something I have struggled with almost my whole life with no relief and it was getting worse. So, I don't have to be a good "salesperson" to sell the stuff. I just tell my story and people want to check it out for themselves.
So, if you're ever thinking that it's time to invest in your health feel free to check out the website at (ok, maybe that did sound a bit salepitchish but it really is great stuff and I'm excited about letting people know.) You can read about the history of it and some of the medical professionals who back it up. There is even a doctor associated with USANA who will tell you which supplements to take for various illnesses. That's how I found out what I should be taking for my "issues". Anyways, check it out and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime!
OK, I'm done!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
And the Winner Is . . . EVA!

Well, my prediction came true and Eva was crowned the newest Canadian Idol! It was a closer race than I thought it would be (3%) but she came through and now she has an exciting future ahead of her. It was announced that the winner would be touring with Martina McBride this Spring. Eva's face showed her excitement at this prospect should she win, and win she did!
I would give the overall finale show a 7/10. It wasn't as good ast the American Idol finales probably due to a lower budget for the event but they really did quite a good job.

Hey, by the way, have you ever heard of the show "Lost" . . .
Boys and their Toys

My son loves cars and trucks . . . big trucks! This is his latest purchase. He tends to buy vehicles and sell them within weeks however this big baby is apparently here to stay for the unforseeable future. When he said he was trading in his mustang for a toyota pickup I was overjoyed - however, this isn't exactly what I was expecting! I have to say though, he's had tons of fun with it and thoroughly enjoys fixing it after every outing - good thing he has a job! Just today he said to me "come on Mom, you gotta admit - that truck it sweet!" I hated to disappoint him but sweet isn't exactly the term I had in my mind. I'm not sure how the neightbours feel about having this mudridden vehicle in their neighborhood but I hope they can get past it because the monster is here to stay!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Grande Finale

Ok, I know I've already done a blog on Canadian Idol but just hear me out. You say it's lame compared to American idol but how do you really know if you're not watching it? They're down to the final two, Eva and Craig. Craig could already be one of the Backstreet Boys and Eva is in a league of her own. She is probably the best singer that I've heard on Canadian or American Idol and she WILL be incredibly successful. Just do one thing for me and check it out. The finale is on Sunday evening and I don't think you'll be disappointed. Why don't you just go to and click on videos. Then pick a couple of the songs she has sung and listen to them. She's really amazing! Then come back and tell me what you think. I guarantee that she'll be one of those stars we look back in the years ahead and say "hey man, I voted for her on Canadian Idol . . . yip, I helped her become famous".
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Aneta!

Well, today is my sister's birthday. She always posts such cool blogs when we have a birthday so I thought she deserved one too. I didn't have a picture of just her alone when she was young but I found this one. She's the cutie in the red sweather! Aneta has always been a great big sister to me - trying to impart her knowledge at every opportunity. She was born to teach and made good use of every opportunity like when we played school growing up. She was good at it then and is obviously still at the top of her game! She's a great organizer - skills she proved just recently when she planned our Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary celebration. It was a smashing success! She has a great sense of humor too - well at least I think so although Jill thinks we're a bit off the wall when we get together and can't stop laughing over something that only we understand. Anyways, to me she's just an all around great person and I love her dearly! Happy Birthday Sister!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Canadian Idol Anyone?

So, does anyone watch Canadian Idol? I'm a big fan of music and I love watching these shows. The only problem is that we can't get CTV on our larger TV for some reason. I became desperate and pulled out a little 4" TV we had stored away. It has a channel dial so I'm able to tune into CTV as long as I cover a fork in tin foil and stick it in the broken antena. My family thinks I'm a bit crazy . . . but that's probably not news to you. I just sit in my comfy chair and put the little TV on my lap. Hey, it works. Anyways, I think Eva is this year's winner - she has an amazing voice and performs like she's in the big leagues. Anyone else into this show?
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Widgeon Creek Canoe Trip

Today we took a trip to Pitt Lake. We rented a canoe and paddled up Widgeon Creek. As this lake is influenced by the tide and time of year the water was way lower than usual but we still had lots of fun. We just got the kids to get out and pull us along when the water got too shallow . . . David and Nicole had a blast and we just layed back and enjoyed the ride. We saw a Blue Heron which was beautiful - and so graceful when it flew off, almost like it was showing off it's splendour. It was a relaxing day and one we'll hope to repeat in the early summer when the water is much deeper.
Heather Trail - Manning Park

Here I go!
Well, I'm attempting to start up my own blog . . . again. I just can't seem to find the first one I started a long while ago! So, here's to new beginnings. I come from a family of bloggers so why not join in the fun! It's finally time to step off of the bleachers and come down on to the playing field . . . hey I've heard that before somewhere . . . in church!
Anyways, be patient with me as I feel my way around . . .
Anyways, be patient with me as I feel my way around . . .
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