So, does anyone watch Canadian Idol? I'm a big fan of music and I love watching these shows. The only problem is that we can't get CTV on our larger TV for some reason. I became desperate and pulled out a little 4" TV we had stored away. It has a channel dial so I'm able to tune into CTV as long as I cover a fork in tin foil and stick it in the broken antena. My family thinks I'm a bit crazy . . . but that's probably not news to you. I just sit in my comfy chair and put the little TV on my lap. Hey, it works. Anyways, I think Eva is this year's winner - she has an amazing voice and performs like she's in the big leagues. Anyone else into this show?
I think your crazy, too! CANADIAN IDOL?!?!?
And that is the funniest picture I've ever seen! How do you stick the fork to the TV...with some magnetic chewing gum?!
no thanks to canadian idol. I'm not really a big reality tv fan. Although i do like AMerican's next top model.
Hey, you guys don't know what your missing! These guys are really really good. I don't overly care for the judges but the singers are good. I think Eva will be another Celine Dion. Mark my words. . .
Hey c'mon there's nothing wrong with a little reality tv! Better than a totally scripted Survivor show (which I distinctly remember a certain KT raving about one summer not toooo long ago). Unfortunatley aunty D, we don't get the channel for Canadian Idol, but I did watch one while babysitting one night. It sure looks hick compared to American Idol, but yeah some of the contestants were really good.
We watched some of American Idol last year. I really enjoyed that one. But Canadian idol doesn't interest me at all, for some reason. And I don't think anything would drive me to watch a show on a 4" TV. Isn't there an 'Anonymous' group out there for you?
Yes Deanne, I have no life. Here I am chatting on your blog when I see you tomorrow at work. I must say you have some awesome pictures of your vacation. We live in the best spot in the whole world, I 'd say. See you bud. And yes I understand your passion for Canadian Idol. Here's to Eva!!!
Sharon R
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