Ok, I know I've already done a blog on Canadian Idol but just hear me out. You say it's lame compared to American idol but how do you really know if you're not watching it? They're down to the final two, Eva and Craig. Craig could already be one of the Backstreet Boys and Eva is in a league of her own. She is probably the best singer that I've heard on Canadian or American Idol and she WILL be incredibly successful. Just do one thing for me and check it out. The finale is on Sunday evening and I don't think you'll be disappointed. Why don't you just go to http://www.ctv.ca/idol/gen/Home.html and click on videos. Then pick a couple of the songs she has sung and listen to them. She's really amazing! Then come back and tell me what you think. I guarantee that she'll be one of those stars we look back in the years ahead and say "hey man, I voted for her on Canadian Idol . . . yip, I helped her become famous".
The thing with Canadian Idol, as opposed to American Idol, is that the Canadian Idol NEVER becomes famous. Remember Ryan Malcolm?! That's the only one I can even remember.
I listened to a few clips, and she does have a beautiful, voice, but it might be a little one dimensional. Every clip I listened to was slow and jazzy - nice - but where's the versatility? I think Katherine McPhee would beat her hands down.
You're both sooo wrong! This season is different. She is going to be HUGE! She has incredible versatility. Every week she blows the judges away with her versatility. Katherine McPhee is good I agree but Eva is amazing! I guess time will tell but I have a feeling about this one. Also, in terms of past idols, Melissa O'Neil is doing pretty good. I hear her on the radio quite a lot. Open minds girls, open minds.
For you, AUntie Deanne, I did watch PART of an episode. She was good but Canadian Idol is sort of a curse I think. Same with American Idol. THe only idol which I think made it anywhere is Kelly Clarkson. SHe can make more then one record with a guarantee of lots of people buying it. HOw many others will make more then one record that people care about?
I think she will win. She has what it takes. She's a mix of Alisha Keys(sp?)/Norah Jones, it will be interesting to see what style she will be.
I think she'll win too and I also think she'll sell as many or more records than Kelly Clarkson. Just a hunch. I could be dead wrong but I don't think so :-)
Thanks Katie - I appreciate the sacrifice you made for me :-) You're a very sweet niece!
time for a new post!!!!!!!!
aren't you going to update us with the winner?!
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