My son loves cars and trucks . . . big trucks! This is his latest purchase. He tends to buy vehicles and sell them within weeks however this big baby is apparently here to stay for the unforseeable future. When he said he was trading in his mustang for a toyota pickup I was overjoyed - however, this isn't exactly what I was expecting! I have to say though, he's had tons of fun with it and thoroughly enjoys fixing it after every outing - good thing he has a job! Just today he said to me "come on Mom, you gotta admit - that truck it sweet!" I hated to disappoint him but sweet isn't exactly the term I had in my mind. I'm not sure how the neightbours feel about having this mudridden vehicle in their neighborhood but I hope they can get past it because the monster is here to stay!

That looks like F.U.N.! I kinda like the look of it!
I was going to say the same thing...
oh Jon!!
That truck is totally JON!!! It looks like he has a lot of fun with it!
and even i was going to say "Oh, Jon....!" How ironic.
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