David had his D.A.R.E. (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education) graduation today. During the course of the program the kids had to write speeches and make posters. They gave their speeches in class and 4 kids were chosen to give their speeches at the graduation. David was chosen and did a great job! He was so cute when he was telling me about it. When they asked if he would be willing to give his speech at the graduation he said his brain was saying "No, don't do it!" but he knew he should do it so he said yes in a very shaky voice. That's my boy! I'm proud of him and just wanted to let you all know!
Here he is standing next to his poster and with the Dare Mascot they gave him after his speech.
What a sweetie! Dave is so awesome.. so mature for his age!
Good job buddy!
Awe, that is so cute! It's so cute that he shares the whole process with you. Congradulations Dave, maybe your mum should post the speech online..
Congratulations, David!! You will go far!
David is so cute! I'm sure your speech was awesome -- congratulations!!
That's brave, and very cute!
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