This Christmas I bought David a magic ball from the Science store. He had expressed an interest in it during several visits over the last half year or so and I thought it would be fun to get it for him for Christmas. It's meant to be interesting to look and if you touch it the electric show changes inside the ball. It even has an audio setting and if you put it near speakers it will flash to the beat of the music. It's a very cool gadget. Well, anyways, trust Jon to find other "uses" for this seemingly innocent contraption. He discovered the following:

1. If you place your whole hand on the top, the electrical current inside the ball will focus on the palm of your hand and begin to burn it. He suggested contests to see who could keep their palm firmly planted on the ball for the longest amout of time.
2. If you touch the ball with one finger and touch another human being with the other hand you can give them a shock. If you touch them on their toes the shock is more painful than simply on the arm. Also, between the fingers is another area sensitve to shock.
3. If you touch the ball with one hand and then rub your finger along the arm of an unsuspecting victim you can actually burn the hairs off their arm. I know this to be true and I have personally experienced the burnt hair odor on my arm!
So, there you have it. A simple innocent Magic Ball has become an object of terror and weapon of destruction! Picture Jon holding the magic ball and trying to grab a screaming David and you will have an accurate picture of the serentity of a Christmas morning in the Mackie household!
We just came home from a great visit with the Coulters in Kamloops.
Good conversation, fun, games, reading and food. Very relaxing and very enjoyable! We dropped Jon off at Sun Peaks to stay with Jill and her family until after the New Year. So, as you can well imagine our house is devoid of the electrical current that seems to follow that boy wherever he goes! It's actually quite peaceful! However, we'll miss his energy before too long and look forward to his return!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the New Year!